

Our experienced lawyers have handled litigation in business disputes, personal injury claims, bankruptcy or insolvency, and family law for years. Our certified mediators have handled mediation in civil disputes including commercial litigation, insurance litigation, first and third- party insurance claims and bankruptcy as well as family law mediations. Henry Hernandez, Esq., of the Law Office of Garcia Hernandez, P.A. is a Florida Supreme Court Certified in Family and Circuit Civil Mediation.

What is Mediation

Mediation is an excellent solution to most disputes, whether it be a family or divorce issue, employment matter, commercial dispute, mediation can be right for you.

Mediation is a process in which an impartial third party (in this case our certified mediator) is brought in to mediate and help opposing parties begin a conversation and hopefully reach a mutually beneficial agreement. Important benefits include confidentiality and reduced litigation costs.

How Mediation works

At the Law Office of Garcia Hernandez, P.A., the goal is to start mediation in a joint session where the process is explained at greater detail. This session usually includes all the parties to the suit alongside their lawyers. During the joint session, the parties are explained the rules of the mediation as well as what to expect as the process unfolds.

After this introductory session is complete, the parties are divided into separate sessions with their attorneys. All discussions are confidential and remain private and has been shown to lead to better understanding and better results. During this part of the process, the only communication between the parties happens via our certified mediator who acts as a conduit of information between them.

Ideally, the parties involved in the dispute are able to negotiate and resolve the dispute by reaching a mutually beneficial agreement. If the parties are unable to reach an agreement, then they move on with litigation to trial and resolve it in front of a judge and/or jury.

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