Equal Pay Attorney Miami

Equal Pay Attorney Miami

Miami, Florida Equal Pay Attorney

The Equal Pay Act (EPA) & Other Equal Pay Protections

Employees are protected from unfair compensation based on age, sex, race and varied societal parameters under several sections of legislation at the federal level. The main Acts offering protection are listed below:

Equal Pay for Women

Signed by President John F. Kennedy in the year 1963, it serves as the foundation for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and is still considered as the foundation of employment lawsuits. According to this act, it is unlawful for an employer to pay his/her employees more/less, based on sex.

The EPA covers wages, salaries and all aspects of employee compensation including health insurance, reimbursement of expenses, etc. According to the EPA, covered employers must provide equal pay to individuals performing the same job irrespective of gender. For more information on this act and rules attached, get in touch with us. Our Florida Equal Pay Act Claims attorney will help you learn about the act.

Although the Equal Pay Act safeguards both women and men from sex discrimination in pay rates, it was initially passed with an aim to rectify disparity of wage experienced by women employees. The law is applicable to situations where women are paid less than men for conducting similar jobs.

The EPA is a modification to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Hence, it prohibits employers from hitting back at an employee who files a claim under the EPA.

The Equal Pay Act – When is it Applicable?

This act is applicable under the following situations:

  • When the actual task being performed is equal (irrespective of job title).
  • When no additional factor is present to determine the imbalance (for example a higher pay based on one’s merit or seniority).

Fast Track Solution

It is possible to sue an employer under this act without the worker having to exhausting their administrative solutions. This is done through Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).

Fair Pay for All – Young, Old, and the Disabled

The following Federal Acts protect individuals from discrimination in employment based on one’s disability and age:

1. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA)
2. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Title I

A Two-Step Process

For all complaints based on any of the above two categories, you must exhaust your administrative remedies. This process includes filing a charge with the EEOC. Thereafter, you need to allow the Charge process to be settled and scored prior to filing a lawsuit.

You would need help of an attorney to move through the entire process fast and hassle free. It is very common to wait for too long to file a Charge or make some blunder during the lawsuit’s administrative stage. An experienced lawyer by your side right from the start in discrimination case will be helpful.

Fair Pay for All – Race, Creed, & Ethnicity

The Title VII (Civil Rights Act of 1964) covers all facets of pay related inequality. It includes bases such as:

  • Race
  • Disability
  • Race
  • Religion
  • Age
  • Color
  • National origin
  • Sex


Experiencing the issue of unfair wages? You hold rights to speak and act against unfair wages. In case, you feel you are not getting equal pay or your right to fair compensation at workplace is getting for the work you perform, then call our office today or schedule your free initial consultation now!

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