Birth Injury Attorney

Birth Injury Attorney

Birth Injury Attorney in Miami, Florida

It is unacceptable for medical or hospital negligence to turn a moment of happiness into a tragedy. Pregnancy and childbirth are complex processes that require specialized medical attention to prevent complications that can affect both the mother and the baby.

From mistakes made by healthcare professionals to inadequate prenatal care, birth injuries are often lifelong conditions with serious consequences for both mother and child.

Being in such a situation is exasperating and brings with it enormous anguish. Therefore, it can be difficult to decide what to do. However, it is necessary to question whether the doctor or nurses complied with the due care in the treatment.

If healthcare professionals make mistakes that result in injury to mother and child, this warrants consulting with an experienced attorney.

If you or a loved one has suffered an injury during childbirth, don’t go through this alone!

With the help of an experienced birth injury attorney, you can protect your rights as well as those of your loved ones.

Causes of birth injuries

Pregnancy is a complex and delicate stage, where regular medical care has been shown to successfully prevent a wide variety of health problems for the fetus and the mother. During the days and hours leading up to delivery, various medical decisions can have irreversible consequences. Mainly, there are two main reasons for birth injuries: trauma due to external force and injuries caused by lack of oxygen to the brain.

Some of the medical errors that are often related to birth injuries are:

  • Incorrect application of forceps
  • Delay to perform a cesarean section
  • Epidural applied incorrectly
  • Pitocin abuse to induce labor
  • Failure to diagnose complications during pregnancy, such as preeclampsia or infectious processes such as toxoplasmosis
  • Inadequate monitoring of vital signs of the fetus
  • Preterm delivery
  • Inadequate prenatal care
  • Inappropriate care during labor
  • Poor postpartum care

Types of birth injuries

Unfortunately, the health complications that can occur during childbirth are diverse, with very different degrees of severity.

Unfortunately, birth injuries can occur as a result oferrores médicos durante el

pregnancy, labor and delivery, or as a result of poor aftercare.

Minor birth injuries can lead to full recovery of the baby, while other cases can lead to death or serious long-term damage, including intellectual, cognitive or physical disabilities.

A newborn can suffer injuries during childbirth that entail considerable medical costs for life, without neglecting the suffering that this means for the victim and their families.

Some of the cases of birth injuries that usually occur are:

  • Stillbirth
  • Death of the mother
  • Brain damage
  • Brain damage
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Erb’s palsy
  • Intracranial hemorrhages
  • Neonatal and fetal stroke
  • Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE)

What to do if birth injuries occur?

If your child was injured as a result of a medical error, you should contact an experienced medical malpractice attorney immediately.

Medical malpractice cases depend on the ability to demonstrate that an expert physician would not make the same mistake, under the same conditions and following current healthcare protocols.

In this sense, it is necessary to demonstrate that the error made is due to the failure to implement a regular protocol. However, negligence cases do not apply solely to the treating physician.

A skilled attorney can show that a hospital, nurse, doctor, or other healthcare professional has made a medical error or medical malpractice, and that this act of medical negligence caused direct injuries, such as death, disability, or pain and suffering.

Due to its impact on the medical care provided, responsibility can also fall on hospital staff and the health service provider, who can make serious mistakes.

Injuries suffered by a child during childbirth must be compensated through compensation. The corresponding payment must cover all medical treatments for life.

Additionally, the amount of compensation must consider pain, emotional distress, and the impact of lost wages.

According to recent studies, medical malpractice injuries to children under one year of age can produce compensation payments in excess of $ 1 million.

With precedents in mind and the importance of the health of your loved ones, it is critical that you see an expert in birth injury legal services.

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